About Me

Sandra Shaw Homer has lived in Costa Rica for 30 years, where she has taught languages and worked as a translator and environmental activist. At one time she headed the canton environmental commission and helped to found three environmental non-profits. For several years she wrote a regular column, “Local Color,” for the English-language weekly The Tico Times. Her creative nonfiction, fiction and poetry have appeared in The Quotable, Off the Beaten Track, Junto Magazine, Sky Island Journal, Cleaver Magazine, Ponder Journal, I Am Not a Silent Poet and Oasis Journal, as well as on a few web sites, notably Allyson Latta: Memories into Story, and her own blog, Writing from the Heart. Her travel memoir, Letters from the Pacific:49 Days on a Cargo Ship, received excellent Publishers Weekly and Kirkus reviews. A second travel memoir Journey to the Joie de Vivre, details two Atlantic crossings on cargo ships and a swing through Europe. A brief inspirational memoir of survival, The Magnificent Dr. Wao, is available as a Kindle Book. Her recent memoir, Evelio’s Garden, published by Atmosphere Press, is getting rave reviews. She has also been a contributor to several editions of Erin Van Rheenen’s Living Abroad in Costa Rica.  She can be found at https:/www.sandrahomer.com, as well as on Facebook, Goodreads and her Amazon Author Page.